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The latest updates from Safecrackers, including the interesting jobs we've done and the safes we have successfully opened.

No Frills Bandit

The no-frills safe burglar who is now doing time for stealing $330,000 worth of cash and goods.

The no-frills safe burglar who is now doing time for stealing $330,000 worth of cash and goods.

This safe-cracking career criminal was one of Melbourne’s most wanted burglars – until he was caught! During his eight-month spree he used just a crowbar and brute force to crack open safes in shops throughout the Melbourne CBD stealing $330,000 worth of cash and goods.

To avoid this happening to you – at home or place of business, we’ve prepared some tips to protect your safe from a crowbar attack!

  1. Make sure safe is of a decent quality, solid steel door plate.

  2. Conceal safe as well as possible, cover with something.

  3. Make sure it is heavy enough not to be carried away easily.

  4. Bolt safe to floor.

  5. Fit safe in awkward position to make attack harder i.e.: deep under a counter to reduce risk of sledge hammer attack or in the back of a cupboard.

  6. If you do have a safe, it is best not to let too many people know about it.

  7. It might be a good idea to leave some junk jewellery and a little bit of cash out so if someone does break in, hopefully they will grab these items and not assume you have a safe.


Kevin BrockwellComment